Monday, October 8, 2012

The Ocean is Still My Home

Once there was this other life here. Where the sand got cold enough to numb your feet. The ocean spray drifted in from the beyond and sent its thick tendrils through your morning windows. In this time the ocean took out its rage in thundering blows on the shore all night long. Its passionate, relentless pounding the whole world you slept to. What a force it is, driving people to fervor. The glaze in their eyes as they drink in the splendor, the strength, the abyss. I courted my would-be bride in front of this raging ocean. Stripping myself bare to reveal my courage to her, to show her what I might do for her love. Dive in the ocean for her in the pitch black. What did it mean? Some primal mating ritual passed through thousands of years in dna. Stand unevolved in a manufactured world. It was December and I'm sure the water was cold ass cold. We are still together. This ocean is much as we've left it. It is still powerful and I would watch it for hours, let it wrap me in its seething malice and deposit me on shore in a heap, just to feel its embrace again and again.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Pics from the Desert and Other Places

Always backup your hard drive. Always. As I say this I still haven't backed up the desktop Mac. Even after the laptop crashed and the cost to recover everything was topping $2,000 dollars.

What counts is what you have in front of you, and fortunately I had a few pictures from our time in Arizona on the desktop. Now I had better go back it up...The last picture? Well, Arizona isn't the only desert, y'know.

See the whole collection here:  Desert